Project Completion – HMYOI Polmont
We have recently completed renovation and fit out works in HMYOI Polmont.
HMYOI Polmont is Scotland’s national holding facility for juvenilles aged 16-21. We were employed to carry out the design and construction of Works to accommodate certain elements of the woman prisoner move from HMP&YOI Cornton Vale into HMYOI Polmont. Internal reconfiguration of rooms and spaces including reconfiguration of mechanical and electrical services (including specialist security installations). It covers the following separate locations situated in two secure prison teaching/ education buildings.
Activities 1, Change office into new arts and crafts space and upgrade adjacent office room. First floor – Change of room use to woman’s hairdressing and beauty space. Activities 2, Life Skills – Conversion of VT Plumbers workshop into women’s life skills space.
The project’s main challenge was to carry out construction works within a live prison environment. All personnel accessing the site had to have Disclosure Scotland certification & deliveries had to be carefully co-ordinated.